After a long time.

Hi! Assalamualaikum.

I't been a longggg longgggg time that I didn't post any new post since last June. Quite busy (konon). A little bit awkward haha.

Now I'm in fifth year doing my medical degree in a university located in Cairo, Egypt. Still 153 cm hmmm. Losing a lot of weight (not happy). And currently wearing braces. K tak penting pun. How time flies. Teringat lagi dulu menaip post dalam blog ini jugak tentang betapa kecewanya dengan exam paper Aqidah ke AlQuran. Tup tup here I ammmmmm, a fifth year medical students of Al-Azhar University. Alhamdulillah.

I'm just an ordinary girl who was destined by her god to be one of the masyhur Al-Azhar University's students. Honestly, I feel bad when people ask about my study place. As if I represent my university. Fatihah bukan lambang AlAzhar sepenuhnya. I'm not good in memorize Al-Quran, not an excellent top 10 student in my class and also not that good in qudwah. Seriously. If you want to know Al-Azhar more, come and study here. Sit and talaqqi with the masyaikh. Experience it by yourself.  (harap tiada yang judge penulisan saya berkait dengan AlAzhar ye huhu).

My journey from 3rd year to 5th year was not that easy. I suffered. Deadly suffered. Survive by Allah's help of course, my parents endless support and my friends who were never give up on me.

I failed my Parasites and Microbiology  papers on my third year. I admit I was distract from my focus during the study week before the exam.

Since I am in a primary school, every year I was ranking no 1 of all students of my batch. I scored straight As in my PMR and 10As 1B in my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. I never get failed before. It was so tough and hard for me at first to accept this fate. Ya Allah time ni baru lah rasa sebenar-benar ujian dari Tuhan. I cried. A lot. Sampai rasa tak boleh nak keluar dah air mata. My first week after the results came out was filled with tears and sangat banyak termenung.

I still remember time tu Ummi was coming back from the office. She was entering the front door.

I came to her and said "Ummi.... kyong ada failed paper exam", then I felt down on the ground and burst into tears.

"Kyong mintak maaf Ummi".

Calmly Ummi replied "Takpelah, balik nanti buat balik exam elok-elok". She hugged me tightly and cried. My chest felt so heavy. I felt guilty to my parents for making them upset.

I sat for the second exam and alhamdulillah passed all of the paper.

Then on my 4th year I made the same mistake. But this time I was commited with my study. But the exam was so tough. I failed Ear, Nose and Throat ENT paper. The subject was interesting. But the marking system was soooooo strict. In one paper there is only four questions. Each question marks 40 degree. And it was an essayyyyyy question. Dalam banyak-banyak yang baca tu keluar pulak soalan yang terlepas pandang. Memang tak tahu lah nak goreng apa essay sampai 40 marks. Facts tak boleh digoreng huhu harap maklum.

The result came out a night before my flight back to Cairo. I was expecting the failed paper but to accept it on that time was so hard for me. I cried while sleeping next to Ummi. Again I made her upset tsk. Actually for each subject there will be written, oral and practical examination. So it was so tired and mentally break down to reseat for the exam again. Lagi- lagi oral. You have to reread the whooooooole subjects again and again because anything might be asked in the exam. And also sebab kena balik Cairo awal. Dah laa balik setahun sekali, kena return sebulan awal pulak tu. I AM SO TIRED.*cry

And during this fatrah (ujian), I was supported by my very supportive friends. Setiap hari kawan-kawan ini lah yang akan bagi semangat. Kadang-kadang hantar gambar to motivate me. Asking about my days. Yelah time tu semua orang dekat Malaysia, yang repeaters je balik Cairo awal. So rasa fighting alone tu selalu jugaklah.


And also because I felt my Hiro didn't support me. I understand that he was so busy with his worldskills. But some times I really reallyyyyy hope he could consider my situation especially in the time when I was broken down. Even on my flight day, he felt asleep since the night before he was so busy with his wordskills. Tapi kita balik setahun sekali kan, bukan selalu. Huhu. If and only if I can buy his time sobs. Dah takpelah tu.


Please do pray for my upcoming final 5th year examination on October 2017. Cuaks!


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